
Printing Firm Plans Move Out Of Manchester

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- A major employer in Manchester has notified the state that it will be closing up shop and taking more than 100 jobs with it. R.R. Donnelley Printing, based out of Chicago, began telling employees of the news this week.

 "We have heard from R.R. Donnelley that they are closing their Manchester location," said Tara Reardon of New Hampshire Employment Security. "The last date we have for employees is mid-June, and it's 113 workers that will be displaced."The state was informed of the news under a new law that requires 60 days of notification before layoffs for any business with more than 75 employees.

 "That's the first thing I commend the company for, because they are doing it the right way," said Mayor Ted Gatsas. "It's not just about closing the door, and people show up to work, and they are out of a job. They are meeting with people. They're talking with people." Gatsas said he's offering whatever assistance his office can provide. NHES is also working to find new jobs for laid-off workers. Reardon said that in addition to the specialty positions at the plant, there is a diverse cross section of experience, ranging from human resources to customer service, which could make job placement easier. "The last day comes in June or thereabouts," Reardon said. "We've got them set up for benefits if they are eligible to receive those, and hopefully we can find them all jobs even before we get to that point." R.R. Donnelley did not return calls and emails asking for comment.


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Print Series Team

22 April, 2012